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HomeWhy I Should Vote Instagram Contest

Instagram Video Contest


Deadline: Thursday, October 10, 2024, 11:00 PM

The League of Women Voters of Richardson (LWVR) is sponsoring a contest for Richardson ISD seniors to submit an Instagram video no longer than 60 seconds about the importance of voting.

One senior from each of the four Richardson ISD high schools will win $100, and their video will be posted on Instagram. An additional $100 will be awarded to the overall winner based on Instagram “likes” from the public.

Share your message and creativity by:

  • Reading the FAQ below.
  • Formulating your message on Why Should I Vote?
  • Creating a video lasting up to 60 seconds to share your message.
  • Completing the consent form by:
    • Downloading the form by using this button Consent Form 
    • Printing the form.
    • Filling out and signing the form.
      • If you are under 18 years of age, you must also have your parent/guardian sign the form.
    • Taking a photo or scanning in the form to create an electronic copy.
  • Submitting your video and consent form before the 11:00 PM Thursday, October 10, 2024 deadline by using this button Entry Form
Important Notes:
  • Only one submission per contestant is allowed.
  • Winning videos will be posted to the @LWVRichardson Instagram account on Monday October 21st at 6:00 PM. All prizes will be awarded at a special dinner for the winners.
  • Video submissions may NOT be posted anywhere on social media prior to the time the winning videos are posted on LWVR’s Instagram account.


Why is LWVR conducting this contest? 
  • The League of Women Voters (LWV) encourages informed and active participation in government. One of the best ways to be involved is to vote. 
  • As a high school senior, you have an important perspective on what voting means to you.
  • Sharing your perspective with others may inspire others to vote.
  • The contest provides an opportunity to share your personal message about voting and to showcase your creativity and video-creation talents.
Who is eligible?
  • Any senior enrolled at one of the four Richardson ISD high schools
When is the submission deadline?
  • You must complete the entry form and upload your video there by Thursday, October 10, 2024, at 11:00 PM.
How will the videos be judged?
  • The videos will be evaluated by LWVRichardson members based on how well they address the theme and meet the time requirement of being 60 seconds or less in length. They will also be judged on originality, accuracy, nonpartisanship, and entertainment value.
  • After the winners from each of the four high schools are determined, their videos will be posted on Instagram, and the public will be encouraged to vote for their favorite. The video with the most “likes” by 6:00pm on Sunday, October 27, 2024, will become the overall winner.
When will the winners be notified?
  • The winners for each high school will be announced via email after 6:00pm Monday, October 21, when the winning videos will be posted on the @LWVRichardson Instagram account.
  • The overall winner will be notified via email on Monday,  October 28.
What are the prizes?
  • The winner at each Richardson high school will receive $100.
  • A single overall winner, as judged by Instagram “likes,” will receive an additional $100 prize.
  • Prizes will be awarded at a reception at Sugar – Sweets & Gelato (1403 E Campbell Road, Suite 100 in Richardson 75081) on Saturday, November 16, 2:00 pm. Contest winners will be LWVRichardson’s guests.
What if there is a tie in the Instagram voting?
  • In case of a tie in Instagram voting, the prize will be split evenly between the high school winners with the most likes.
What if I have problems or have additional questions?

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300 N Coit Rd, Suite 125
Richardson, TX 75080