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Serving the people of Richardson and the RISD.   Empowering voters.   Defending Democracy.

HomePlan Ahead to Vote

Plan Ahead to Vote

Here are some suggestions on how to plan ahead to deal with potential voting frustrations:
  • Make sure you’re registered to vote.  Our Registering to Vote page has all the information you need to find out if you’re eligible to vote, if you’re already registered, and how to register if you’re not.
  • Find out what races will be on your ballot and decide how you will vote on those races. The League of Women Voters of Richardson posts information about every election, including links to candidate forums and Voters Guides, as it becomes available. Check the menu options under the Elections, Voting, and Education buttons above for resources.
  • If you are eligible to do so, send in an application to VOTE BY MAIL.  Our Voting by Mail page has the information you need to decide whether you are eligible to vote by mail in Texas.  It also has a link to a printable application form that you can mail in.
  • Vote early. If you vote in person, you are less likely to encounter wait times if you go during early voting rather than on Election Day.

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Phone: (972) 470-0584 
LWV of Richardson
300 N Coit Rd, Suite 125
Richardson, TX 75080