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HomeYour Rights as A Texas Voter

Your Rights as a Texas Voter


As a registered voter, you have the right to:
  • Vote in all elections held in your jurisdiction.

  • Vote for as many races on your ballot as you choose. You do not have to cast a vote in every race.

  • Vote however you choose. It is a crime for someone to pressure or influence you while you  are voting (either on a mail ballot or in the polling place).

  • Vote if you are not currently incarcerated for a felony conviction and have registered as a voter after your sentence is fully discharged or after you have been pardoned.

  • Vote your ballot by yourself, in secret.

  • Maintain control of your mail ballot. It is a crime for someone to take your mail ballot from you, unless you are physically incapable of mailing your own ballot and you request assistance.

  • Follow up ANY challenge to your right to vote through the complaint process.


As a registered voter, you have the right to:
  • Cast your ballot in a manner that ensures privacy, in a booth that prevents others from watching you mark your ballot.

  • Vote without any person trying to influence your vote.

  • Stay in the voting booth for as long as necessary to complete your ballot.

  • Receive up to two replacement ballots if you make a mistake and spoil your ballot before you cast your ballot.

  • Request assistance when voting from a poll worker or anyone of your choice except your employer, or an officer of your union or their representatives.

  • Vote, but must show one of the acceptable forms of ID.

  • Cast a provisional ballot if you believe you are a qualified registered voter but a poll worker tells you that you are ineligible to vote.

  • Take handwritten or printed papers, including a sample ballot, voters guide, or campaign material, into the voting booth with you. Please remove all papers when you leave the booth. You may not use a cell phone or other electronic device in a polling place.

  • Bring your children into the voting booth with you.

  • Vote on Election Day any time between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. for state and federal elections – hours may vary for local elections. If you are in line at the polling place when polls close at 7 p.m., you have the right to vote.


As a registered voter, you have the right to: 
  • Choose someone you trust to help you if you cannot fill out your ballot yourself (except your employer, or an officer of your union or their representatives).

  • Have assistance from someone you trust if you cannot read or write.

  • Bring an interpreter with you who can translate.

  • Inspect your ballot for accuracy (if you allow a person to assist you with reading and marking your ballot).

  • Vote if you are disabled. The polling place must be accessible, and there must be an accessible voting booth.

  • Request curbside voting.

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LWV of Richardson
300 N Coit Rd, Suite 125
Richardson, TX 75080